CO2 Extraction Process

A pressurized process that pulls the desired Cannabinoids, terpene oils out of the plant material.

Full Spectrum

Our products contain the plant material and all properties.

Fast Effect

Our products are pure and are absorbed quickly and efficiently into the body.

Organic Practices

We follow organic practices to ensure the quality of our products.

Customers Reviews

Thank you so much. It truly is amazing the benefits WOW. Seriously almost made a grown man cry. I’m not in pain with every step I take any longer. Yes my hip still is sore but jesus improved greatly, Less than a week I can put mu sock on my own foot and tie mu shoe a bit easier, Still working on stretching it out but it has come so far in so little time. I can’t wait to keep going. You are truly a godsend my friend. That’s next. First was my hip. That was effecting my mood being snappy and just grump bc I was always in pain. Sleeping thought the night now I have so much more energy. That first night I woke up next morning @530 am without an alarm and was super rested I really can’t thank you enough and look forward to when I have some free time to come check out your setup!


…I feel as though the anxiety storm in my stomache and chest has gone from a horrid tornado to just a windy day, my hands don’t shake and I’m not gasping for air anymore! My husband noticed that when he rubs my shoulders that they don’t feel like bricks anymore! I also feel like day by day I’m getting just a little more focused on my tasks! We also had some real shit news hit and I feel like my emotions were so much more settled and I was able to handle life’s shove a tad better…


So this CBD product you guys produced is amazing! Like miracle amazing! The swelling, the pain, the immobility… it is all gone. I slept through the whole night without waking up in pain for the first time last night in over a month. … I’m beyond great full!!! Thank you sooo much.


I’m already in complete amazement at what this does for the stress I carry in my shoulders and low back. TO add as well I slept through the whole night without waking up from the pain or numbness until 520am~


I was in so much pain from working the horses today…Left it under my tongue and 15 min, I was walking normal!! I mean, I’m still sore, but my joints aren’t freezing up on me and not letting me walk! Didn’t need to take the Ib 800 script!
